Report Animal Cruelty Now -

Online Form

for anyone in Fairfield County, Ohio.

Also View:

Ohio revised code, section 959.131

Prohibitions concerning companion animals.



   NOTE: There are currently no laws (state or local) governing stray cats.

If you believe or have witnessed a crime involving animals, provide complete information on the report form to initiate an investigation. We will not investigate complaints unless we have the complainants name and information (which is kept confidential).

Due to the confidential nature of investigations, you will not receive any notification regarding the results or outcome of any investigation. Rest assured however that we take every complaint seriously and will take all steps within our authority to resolve them.

Listed below are the steps the Humane Agent takes when a report of cruelty is received

  • The Humane Agent makes a visit to the location of the complaint
  • If observations are made that the complaint has some validity, contact is made with the responsible person or persons
    in an effort to correct the situation.

NOTE: If the complaint is about physical abuse nothing can be done without an eyewitness willing to testify and/or documentation provided.  (i.e. photos, video, etc.).

  • Additional investigations and consultations with other law enforcement agents may be required until the condition is corrected.
  • If there is no cooperation within a reasonable amount of time, charges may be filed and the animal(s) may be removed.

Unusual Cases

People often think we deal with issues only related to cats and dogs.

Below is an assortment of cases we have dealt with in the past.

  • Assist Township Trustees with abandoned and running at large livestock (goats, sheep, chickens)
  • Iguanas running at large
  • Abandoned aquariums in rental properties (including snakes and alligators)
  • Emu running at large
  • We also assist in many wildlife questions or problems